Designing and embedding impact into our research processes – A preliminary ‘kick‐off’ workshop to brainstorm, define and plan key focus areas for training and support around the impact agenda post‐REF.

When: 25 September 2013, 11.45‐2.00pm (including light lunch)

Where: Dalton Room, CTF, UMIC

Main aims:

  • To encourage input into shaping practical plans for improving planning, funding and promotion of research impact activities post‐REF.
  • To begin building (and joining up) the network of ‘impact champions’ across Faculties.
  • To promote and signpost the expertise and support available within the Business Engagement/Knowledge Exchange team (who do I go to for…..PoP, KTP, consultancy, etc.)

Follow‐on steps: Development of support materials/training sessions/networking activities focused on the key issues raised.

Participants: ‘Engaged’ researchers and academics, Research directors, UMI3, Business Engagement, interested RSS/PSS staff at The University of Manchester.


  • Overview/Introductions
  • ‘Inspire’ – Case studies of successful impact activities
  • Three parallel sessions (facilitated workshops)
  • Summing up and next steps

Proposed workshop themes:

  • Accessing impact‐related funding and in‐house expertise
  • Designing and managing impact through the research pipeline
  • Building on the REF experience and embedding capacity within research teams

More information: If you have any questions contact: