Engagement@Manchester is a series of lunchtime meetings exploring different aspects of public engagement. All University staff and students are welcome to attend these free events. No registration required – just pop along.

The next meeting will focus on Working in Partnership with the Public and take place on Wednesday 17 April, 1 – 2pm, Alan Turing Building, G.107.

This month’s event will explore how people from the University have successfully worked together with members of the public and community groups over a long time period. This aspect of public engagement is about shared project planning and delivery and we will hear from people with experience of working with the public in research, volunteering and teaching.


  • Claire Planner is a health services researcher and she coordinates a patient, carer and public advisory group (called PRIMER) who assist in the design and delivery of research projects.
  • Lindsay Gilbert is the Head of Volunteering & Community Engagement in the University and she will share some of the schemes she works on in partnership with community groups.
  • Yvonne Awenat is an Hon Research Fellow who works in the School of Psychological Sciences and coordinates the Community Liaison Group, who contribute to many aspects of teaching for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact: kate.dack@manchester.ac.uk

To find out more about Engagement@Manchester visit: www.engagement.manchester.ac.uk